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Growing up as a kid I had my own section along the side of my parents vegetable garden. It was about two feet wide and ran a length of their garden which was about 25-30-ish feet. I could grow what ever I wanted - it just had to be in my own section. My parents have always been supportive of me - no matter what the crazy idea of the week had been. Not knowing at the time what the effects of allowing me my own space would have on my future life, plan, goals and dreams; Its honestly not until I have become older, more wise and full of some life experience that I realize what my parents were doing. They were preparing me for the future; to be able to take care of and provide for myself - and others - arming me with the necessary skills to grow food, be kind and fair and to be able to stand up for oneself for what is right. I will never forget these experiences growing up in the country and Iβm truly thankful for the experience and opportunity life has given me.
Having left the country-side for city life some 20+ years ago, my longing to return to the country and feel the grass beneath my feet and fresh air on my face has driven me to create alfred + james. This is a gradual work in process that has been in development for the past few years and is just now beginning to come to life and see the light of day.
Alfred and James are my middle names. Alfred after my Dad, and James after my Grandpa (my Mom's Dad). I liked the sound and ring to the name - also more of an homage to my parents and grandparents as they are all the artisans and craftspeople in their own right, and in my life that I look up to and respect as I've learned many great things of all of them. My name is Kevin, and it is a pleasure to meet you.
Join me on this journey - sign up for our updates, be social and follow us online or check back often as we grow our way through the season. We are excited to get growing this year and will be announcing pop-up locations throughout the season. You can look forward to flowers, starter plants, edible flowers, herbs, perennials, annuals, seeds and handmade items utilizing plants and flowers from the garden -- incense, candles, botanical perfumes, soap, potions, lotions and so much more. This is just the beginning.
Currently growing in Toronto and the Kawartha Lakes we always have a spring plant sale planned as well as other weekends throughout the summer. We will be announcing on our website and social media channels what our current offerings are and where we're at!
There is something truly magical and beautiful by taking a teeny tiny seed and watching it sprout and grow into something amazing. By taking diligent care, working with nature, providing light and water - and without the use of pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizers - something truly magical takes place. Smiles are created, souls are warmed, love is expressed and our bodies are nourished. This is what I want to do when I grow up - be a provider of these things and experiences.
Having worked various leadership roles throughout Toronto's food scene and most recently the largest organic grocer in North America, it is time to get back to the dirt, grow some beautiful things and watch those smiles blossom.