Basil - Kitchen Blend


Common Name: Kitchen Blend Basil

Latin Name: Ocimum basilicum 'Kitchen Blend'

Brief Description: Kitchen Blend Basil combines the best of three basil varieties—Genovese, Red Rubin, and Cinnamon—into one aromatic and visually appealing mix. This blend offers a spectrum of flavours from sweet and robust to spicy, making it an all-in-one solution for culinary enthusiasts. The diversity in leaf color—from deep green to purplish-red—also adds a decorative flair to gardens and dishes alike.

How to Plant: Choose a location with full sun and well-draining soil. Plant your Kitchen Blend Basil at the same depth it was in its pot, spacing plants about 12-15 inches apart. This blend is perfect for container gardening or as part of a vibrant herb garden.

General Plant Care: Water regularly to keep the soil consistently moist, especially during hot weather. Pinch off flower heads to promote bushier growth and more robust flavour in the leaves.

Lighting Requirements: Requires full sun, ideally 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily, to thrive and develop full flavour and vibrant leaf colors.

Water Requirements: Maintain even soil moisture; water deeply when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Organic Feeding Suggestions: Feed with a balanced organic fertilizer every four to six weeks during the growing season to support vigorous growth and rich leaf coloration.

Tips, Hints or Tricks for a Successful Plant: Regular harvesting encourages new growth and maintains the potency of the leaves. Mixing these varieties together not only enhances visual appeal but also allows for a layered flavour profile in culinary uses.

Recipe or Use Suggestions: The Kitchen Blend Basil is ideal for a wide range of dishes, from traditional pesto and salads to more complex sauces and meat marinades. Experiment with each type’s flavour in different dishes, or use them together for a complex basil experience.

Folklore: Basil is traditionally associated with protection and love. This blend brings together varieties often used to foster harmony and prosperity in the home.

Spiritual Significance: Utilized in various spiritual practices for cleansing, protection, and to enhance spiritual well-being, reflecting the unique attributes of each included variety.

Wellness Benefits:

  • Antioxidant Properties: Each variety contributes antioxidants, helping to protect against oxidative stress.

  • Stress Relief: Known for calming properties, aiding in stress reduction and mental clarity.

  • Anti-inflammatory: This blend offers compounds that help reduce inflammation, benefiting overall health.